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Success Formulas That Allow You To Win 

In Every Aspect Of Your Life!

The following Success Formulas can have a dramatic impact on your life, in fact, I use to live under a tarp in the woods (most homeless people don't even have a tarp so I considered myself lucky) when I put these formulas to work for myself.  In less than a year, I went from Cold, Hungry, Depressed, and Flat Broke to Happy, Confident, and Making Over $50,000 Per Month with my own business!  The changes in YOUR life can be the same because they have no prejudice – it doesn’t matter if you’re Male or Female, Old or Young, Rich or Poor, Educated or not – I never finished school, but these formulas allowed me to eventually create several Multi-Million Dollar Companies! 


Even the best and most expensive schools don’t teach us the things we need to know to live a prosperous life.  The teachers mean well, but left out of our life’s normal learning process are the most fundamental skills for living well.  This collection of formulas will show you exactly what to do to increase your productivity, successful achievements, income, and overall standard of living.


If you’re wondering how much these formulas can improve your life, and answer is simply; unbelievable.  Much of it is up to you.  As you read along, don’t set any limits in your mind as to the things you can accomplish.  These formulas have created more millionaires, saved more lives, marriages, families, and careers than anything else available.  These formulas are not magical potions, but the results have often been called magical.  These formulas are made up of success strategies that will literally allow you to have anything you want in life!


The first thing you need to do is to set up a plan for yourself that will allow you to take complete and total control of your life.  The following are steps to take to produce this plan and put it into action.  Most people go through life without any such plan.  Once you put this plan into effect, the results will be incredible and they will start happening instantly!


You’ll learn these strategies and how to apply them to your own life to produce successful results in everything you do – no matter how big the obstacle is facing you!  Read over these formulas several times, and keep them with you so you can review them from time to time in the future – it will be the greatest favor you can do for yourself.


 In order to make these formulas work miracles in your life, you have to live and apply these formulas.  If you use them only on Mondays, they won’t work.  If you start using them for two weeks and then stop, they won’t work.  By applying them everyday for a month, they will become a habit - just like eating breakfast or brushing your teeth.  We are all creatures of habit, and your habits can either work for you or against you.  Let me say this again, by applying them everyday for 30 days, they will become a habit!


The first thing to understand is this – forget about the past!  The past has no bearing on the future.  Abraham Lincoln failed seven times before becoming one of our most famous presidents.  If you focus on failure, you’re programming yourself to repeat it.  To have total control over your life, you have to balance yourself between the past, presence, and future.  If you think about only one, you won’t be living to your full potential – you need to be aware of all three.  However, the only one that you have control over is the present.  You can’t change the past, but you can recall past successes to inspire present actions and also learn from any past mistakes.  The biggest thing is to not let your past control your present and future self.  Let go of any past failures because if you don’t, they will destroy your future!  Don’t become a victim of your past.  You can’t predict the future, but knowing where you want to be in the future can help you make present decisions.


As you focus on the successful person that you’re going to become, I want to stress again the importance of applying these formulas daily without exception.  Many of us have been taught that if we try and fail – it’s alright.  It’s not alright!  Trying doesn’t excuse you of failure.  The reason is that many people try once or twice – fail – and give up with the “well, I tried” attitude.  As soon as you give up, you’ve failed.  If you try something and it doesn’t work, keep trying until you find the thing that does work.  Thomas Edison tried over 10,000 different contraptions until finally finding the secret to the incandescent light bulb.  He said, “I new I had to succeed because I finally ran out of thing that wouldn’t work!”  Other than reading this by candlelight, he would have been a failure as soon as he quit.  Failure is not trying something that doesn’t work – it’s quitting!  Just because you may have started a business in the past and it failed, does not make you a failure.   


One gentleman who started and failed with 9 businesses started his 10th business which has made him a millionaire many times over.  His time is now valued at well over $10,000 per hour!  You read correctly; $10,000 every single hour!


How many people would have figured that they simply don’t have what it takes to run a business after failing 9 times?  Those same people are robbing themselves of great accomplishments with the pathetic saying of “well, I tried.”  You either succeed or you give up, there’s no in between.  Many failures can be signals telling you to change directions or try something different.  Remember, there’s no reward for trying – only for succeeding!


The majority of us spend more time planning a vacation than we spend developing a plan for life.  To be in control of your life, you have to have a definite plan.  Living your life without a plan is like building a house with blueprints.  Your life’s plan should consist of four major parts:


1.  Your Dream List: 

            This is a list of what you want to have and own, what you would like to do and create, where you would like to go or travel, what you would like to be or become, and what you would like to contribute or give back.  Write your list as if time, money, skills, etc. were of no concern.  Think of it as if you were writing a story about your life.  List everything you can think of without limiting yourself in any way.  List the things that you’re most excited about, that give you the most pleasure and satisfaction.


When I was flat broke, I made a dream list that included a few of the following:  Automobiles consisting of a new Ferrari, Corvette, and Luxury Van; a multi-million dollar real estate portfolio consisting of several custom built homes in different countries; three months of vacation time every year; thousands of dollars annually donated to charities and other causes; a loving and caring relationship; and the ability to support my parents in luxury in their older years.  In just a couple of years, I had accomplished a majority of the things on my dream list using these formulas, and I will achieve the others in good time.  As you write your list, remember, no limitations.  Those people who ask very little in life – get very little in life!


Your Dream List will be a lifelong project that you will add things to, and delete things from, changing direction from time to time which is a natural part of achieving your dreams.  For example, when I finally had enough money to buy a Ferrari, I decided I didn’t want one anymore.  So I spent a little bit more money and purchased a Yacht instead – I love the ocean – and it went nicely with the Island I purchased in the Caribbean!

2.  Goals: 

            The items you put on your dream list are your goals.  Look at each item on your list and write down WHY you listed it.  You should be able to write at least a paragraph on each.  By doing this, you’ll be editing your dream list to find out which items you are serious about – which dreams do you actually have a burning desire to achieve.  There were some things on my dreams list that weren’t really important to me after all.  As time goes on, you may find there are different, or more important things that you’ll want to spend your time and money on instead.


Goals are the only way to accomplish anything because they give your life focus and direction.  For instance, you wouldn’t just take off driving on a two week vacation without knowing where you’re going, would you?  Then why go through life without knowing exactly where you want to go.  Studies have shown that people who have goals achieve ten, twenty, even thirty times more than those people without goals – and this is on an average!  For each goal, you need to make yourself a map.  In other words, list the actions, strategies, time, skills, resources, etc. needed to accomplish it.  Having this direction gives you the ambition required to reach deep inside and accomplish amazing things!  It will also make you focus on your goal which is absolutely necessary for its successful completion.  Human beings are “goal seeking” individuals.  When we’re not working towards some accomplishment, we’re ineffective.  In the pursuit of goals, you will grow and become more than you were before you started.  Without goals, your life tends to deteriorate.


Goals will consist of accomplishments you want to have in business, financial, personal, Spiritual, and Social aspects of your life.  They will also have a great deal to do with your values; what’s important to you and what isn’t.  Your goals will set your direction in life and give you the momentum to achieve what many call “miracles!”  Even though goals are things you want in the future, you will always set and work them in the present.


Setting and accomplishing your goals will give you a great deal of satisfaction as compared to the frustration which is experienced by not setting goals.  A goal is a commitment that is a measurable result.  Success is the timely, progressive attainment of your goals!  In order to do this, you must make your goals very specific and measurable.  When writing your goals, avoid words like “better” or “more” or “lots” etc.  It’s not enough to say, “I want to earn a lot of money.”  You must give yourself a specific amount such as, “I want to be earning $2,000 per week by XX/XX/XXXX.”  If your goal is a new car, give yourself a clear picture as to the type of car; the color, list all the options you want in the car, etc.  The more specific your goals are, the easier it is to reach them.  Increased clarity produces increased success.  The reason for this is because the subconscious mind can only work on clear pictures.  “A lot of money” is like a fuzzy picture that your mind cannot see clearly.  Give it good, definite, clear pictures and you will achieve them.  Remember, your mind has the power to give you anything you want in life!


Your subconscious works 24/7 on achieving your goals without you mentally knowing about it.  This is why it’s so important to feed your subconscious mind good, clear pictures of what you want to accomplish because it makes it easier for your subconscious mind to believe in the goal.  Your subconscious mind is your “sixth sense”, but you need only your five ordinary senses to program it to take over and achieve your desired goals.  When you believe in something, it becomes physically real.  Belief is obtained by mere thought, and your thoughts attract the physical equivalent!  You can think your way into misery and failure or you can think your way into success and happiness!


Let me show you something that will help explain the power of your subconscious mind, belief, and thought (on a small level of course).  If you sit around thinking you’re hungry, you’ll soon be hungry.  This is what happens when we eat too much when the food is really good – we convince ourselves that we’re still hungry.  If you sit around thinking you’re thirsty, you’ll soon be thirsty.  Sit around thinking sad and depressed thoughts, and you’ll soon be sad and depressed.  Happy thoughts go into your mind, and you’ll soon be happy.  Once you believe in something, and think about its successful outcome, this starts programming your subconscious mind to make it a reality.


The more sensory rich you make the outcome of your goal, the more power you give your brain to accomplish that goal.  Visualize the accomplishment of your goal letting yourself know how it fees, sounds, smells, etc.  When I first set a goal of having a new Ferrari, I didn’t just write a statement of “I want a new sports car.”  A vague goal statement like that does not lead to the achievement of your desired goal.  When I set my goal, I put myself into the driver’s seat with my hands on the wheel.  I heard the engines power, and felt the smooth vibration as I saw the gauges on the dash move at my command.  I could see the cooler of the interior and the way the leather seats smelled.  As I drove, I could feel the way the car accelerated and hugged the road when turning tight corners.  I could hear my friends asking me for a ride.  I could feel my hair blowing in the wind with the top off as I drove down the highway at (let’s just say 70mph).  My goal was so real to me that it gave me the specific focus needed to reach my goal – any goal!


This visualization gives you the power you need to shed off temporary set backs.  For example, if I had a savings account that I was depositing $5,000 per week for the purpose of buying my new Ferrari, and some emergency came up that required me to withdraw $90,000 from these funds, I might get frustrated and think, “I’m back to where I started, I’ll never get this car!” I can instantly get rid of these negative thoughts by getting back into the drivers seat and going for another ride.  The excitement and passion received from visualization can get my mind back on achieving my goal no matter what obstacles come up from time to time.


When I’m faced with a difficult task, or a task that I’m less then enthusiastic about, I write down in detail what the results would be if this task was performed perfectly.  This brings to reality exactly what I need to do to achieve the best results.  For instance, one time I was going to remodel a room in one of my homes.  Several companies were bidding on the work which was going to cost close to $48,000.  All the companies gave me names of people who were happy customers, and had given them permission to use them as references for other potential customers.  Even though this was not a major task, I was hesitant about calling these strangers and asking them personal questions about their own home, and possibly even visiting their home to “judge” the work that had been done.  I sat down and starting writing the steps needed for the perfect outcome.  I decided that to produce the best results, I would contact everyone on the list.  I would ask them a set of questions (some very personal) without hesitation or embarrassment.  I would ask to visit everyone’s home to see the work and actually visit the ones that agreed.  I may even become friends with many of these people and create ongoing relationships.  Some of my best friends were met through such awkward kinds of meetings.  To achieve the perfect outcome to this task, all I had to do was follow my written plan and it was easy.


This process can work for any type of situation, and not only the ones you need motivation to perform.  For example, during a vacation, you may plan the perfect way to spend your day.  The places you’ll visit, the people you’ll see, the things you’ll eat, the activities you’ll do, etc.  In fact, I plan almost everyday of my life like this and it only takes me a couple of minutes in the morning.  Now, not everyday can be spent exactly how I plan it, but I rarely have “bad days” and if I find myself having one of these days, I don’t just accept it – I change it!  Remember, if you don’t plan your own life, someone else will plan it for you.


In your financial life, becoming an instant millionaire starts in your mind.  Before you can become a millionaire in terms of financial status, you must start feeling, thinking, and acting like a millionaire before you start to earn your first dollar.  This advance thought pattern is the first step to making it a reality.  If you can’t see yourself earning $50,000, $75,000, even $100,000 per month than it can never happen in reality because you’ve given yourself the greatest obstacle you can ever face just by limiting yourself in your mind.  You have to know it’s possible and set the goals towards its accomplishment.  You become rich the instant you set the amount you want to earn and the date in which to accomplish it!  You become rich the instant you set the amount you want to earn and the date in which to accomplish it!   That wasn’t a typing error (even though I’m known to make a lot); I wanted you to read it again because many people don’t accept this simple, but so important law of obtaining wealth!  If it sounds like magic, that’s because it is – it’s the magic of a “quantified objective!”  Many people in this world laugh at this, saying you can’t earn money simply by writing the figure down on a piece of paper.  These people who are laughing are not wealthy!  I’m telling you from experience that this is the starting point to every success you’ll have in life. 


This critical first step starts a powerful chain reaction that allows you to produce the results you set forth in writing.  Again, you have to set an exact amount you want to earn and a date in which to earn it if you want to see it become a reality.  Let me prove a point to you, let’s say you spent a lot of time and effort to prepare, and interview, for a job – then finally got the job over hundreds of other applicants.  When you talked to your new employer, he said you would “earn a lot of money.”  Wouldn’t you want to know the exact amount you are going to be paid, including any benefits?  Your employer simply saying, “Don’t worry, it’s a lot of money” wouldn’t satisfy you.  In fact, you would probably want this and the other details about your new job given to you in writing.  Let’s also say your new employer couldn’t give you a specific date that you would start earning your new salary – would this cause a problem as well?  Of course it would.  Then why does do this to yourself!  Life gives you exactly what you ask from it, so be sure to ask specifically for what you want from it.  This part about working on yourself and deciding exactly how much you want to earn and getting it down in writing will the most important work you do not matter what your chosen occupation.


The number you write down is not just scribbling on a piece of paper.  That figure represents to the penny in your mind what you think you’re worth!  If you write down $30,000 per year; that is all you believe you’re worth – plain and simple.  Stretch your mind and don’t let outside situations effect the number you give yourself.  Don’t think that just because your current job only pays you $30,000 that you can’t write down $100,000 and earn it!  When you change your figure from $30,000 to $100,000 – you have in fact earned yourself an additional $70,000 because you have placed the belief into your mind!  Even if you don’t quite reach your chosen figure at first, you will go much further with $100,000 as your objective rather than $30,000.


When I first set my financial earnings goal, I set it at $5,000 per month as the amount I wanted to earn.  Realize - I was dead broke at the time.  The first company I started paid me very close to that figure my very first month.  So I changed the amount to $7,500 per month.  My very next month, I made over $30,000 – more than 4 times my goal.  It was then that I realized the power (and magic) of having a quantified objective!  To change your life, you must first change your thoughts!  If you set an amount and believe that it’s totally out of your reach, it will remain that way until you actually believe it and get it down on paper.  You can grow wealthier by ever increasing the numbers you want to earn.  Expand the limits of your mind and you’ll expand the limits of your life.  It may take you all year to get that $100,000 but it only takes a second to activate the key ingredient to earning it.  This formula works just the same for other objectives.  Of course, not everyone has the desire to become a millionaire.  It works just as well for earning an extra $5,000 per year, or improving your health, or saving your marriage – anything, no matter how basic or extravagant!


The secret to getting anything and everything in life you want – ASK!  I learned there was specific ways to ask to receive the things you want in life.  They’re simple ways, but very, very effective and if you don’t ask in these ways, you’ll never get the things you desire.  You have to ask those people who can help you.  This is asking “intelligently.”  Make sure you ask for things in detail so you can communicate to others what you want and you’ll know the different resources needed to get whatever it is you’re asking for.  When asking someone for help, give them value.  In other words, answer their question of “what’s in it for me?”  If you need to borrow money, first of all you’re not going to ask someone who has less money than you, and you need to give them value (or what benefit(s) do they receive) for loaning you the money.


For instance, I had a friend who needed $50,000 and he agreed to pay me 10% interest.  I had some money in the stock market that was earning more than 10%, but I also had over $50,000 just sitting in a bank at 3%, so I loaned him the money.  See how we both benefited?  Try to give so much value that it’s hard for others not to cooperate.  When you ask for something, you must ask with belief!  If a boy wanted to ask a girl out to dinner, he would have much greater success by saying, “I know this great restaurant that has excellent food, would you like to join me for dinner?” rather than saying, “Uh, you wouldn’t by any chance want to go to dinner with me, would you?”  Do you see the difference?  When you ask for something, whatever it is, ask in a way that says, “I expect to get what I ask for.”  If not, your lack of belief will show and make it very hard.  An easy way to get this belief is to visualize the end result – that you already have received what you’re asking for.  Last, but not least, you must keep asking until you get the things you want.  For example, if my friend had asked me for $50,000 and I couldn’t help him, he would have kept asking until he found someone that could loan him the money.  Too often, we give up when success is just around the corner.  Sometimes, you may have to ask in a different way or look for a different source to ask, but keep asking!


Some of the things you want in life may seem hard to believe you’ll actually have them.  Start believing, it’s the only way to accomplish your goals.  If people didn’t believe in “miracles” we would have never sent a man to the moon, found cures for the diseases that plague us, or have computers that do things most people can’t even comprehend.  Once you think about all the “miracles” that happen every single day, it makes it a little easier to believe that you too can accomplish many great things.  In fact, when I first started in business for myself, if someone had told me I’d make as much as $30,000 in a single day, I probably wouldn’t have believed them – it’s impossible for me to earn that kind of money.  Today, I not only believe it’s possible, I know for a fact that it’s possible to earn this much and more!


Set your beliefs in stages that you can see yourself accomplishing.  Your first goal might be $2,000 per week.  Once you reach that, you’ll be able to set a higher goal of 3,000 per week.  I remember the first time I reached $2,000 in a week’s time, I was flabbergasted.  I called everyone I knew to tell them of my great accomplishment.  Today, I consider $2,000 per week a failure because I know it’s far below my potential.  You’ll experience this same kind of change in the way you view things, and in your beliefs.  Reaching your goals step by step from small goals to big goals will give you a passion for life – a zest for living.  You’ll find you have the energy of a young child.  You’ll enjoy waking up each morning because your day will be filled with successful accomplishments!  Having specific goals allow you to stop wasting time on activities that don’t bring you closer to your goals.  Your day will consist of excitement, the excitement of success.  When things do go wrong (and they will), shrug them off and get on with attaining your goals.  It’s impossible to avoid pitfalls in life, but it is possible to not let them affect you in a negative way.  Don’t let any past failures ruin your future successes!  So many people dwell on the past that they program their future to be the same.  Write down 5 incidents that you had total success in.  This could be anything from a family reunion to a business decision that made a financial killing for you.  Keep these so you can refer back to them from time to time to remember that you are a success!  There may be some items that you can’t take from your past successes and duplicate them for future successes!


Also, look at some of the specific things that caused you to fail in the past and write them down.  What was it that held you back or prevented you from attaining your goal?  Did you forget to plan or did you fail to take action, or state your goal in a clear, precise manner?  Did you imagine the worst possible outcome when working on a goal?  By listing these things, you will be able to change them and not let them limit you in the future.


The way you write your goals will have a dramatic impact on how well you achieve them.  State your goals in a positive manner always remembering what you want rather than in negative ways of what you don’t want to happen.  Instead of saying, “I’m going to stop drinking” say something like, “I’m trading alcohol for a healthier heart.”  Write each goal in one complete, concise sentence.  Use action words like “become, begin, complete, own, start, build, develop” etc.  Words are very powerful, and can be very convincing!  When stating your goal, imagine the final outcome you want, and work backwards listing the steps required to achieve it.  For example, if your end result is to become financially independent, the step before that may be to “become president of your company” or to “start/expand your own business” or to “find a good investment vehicle”.  Just as important, always specify, and emphasis, your first step to achieving your goals.  This is because the hardest part for most people is just getting started.  There’s no limit to the number of goals your mind can work on at one time.  As you start to focus on your goals, you’ll find you have much more time to work on an increasing number of goals, thus enjoying an increased number of successful accomplishments!


Be sure to ask yourself if your goals are in line with your values.  Values are the people, feelings, things, beliefs, and concepts that you rate more highly in your life.  Values make up your personal philosophy in life.  Most people never sit down and really define their values.  Understand, your values will maximize your success, enjoyment, and satisfaction in life.  We all have limited time and energy in life, so don’t waste these precious resources on goals that are not really important to you, and don’t reflect your values in life.  Your values will most likely change during your life, so adjust your goals in accordance.


3.  Action Plan: 

            This is where you list the specific steps needed to obtain your goals.  This will cause you to be at your peak efficiency and effectiveness in successful productivity.  You will see yourself accomplishing things you couldn’t have imagined in the past.  Your action plan will include things you need to do, people you need to contact, items you need to get and/or learn, along with other strategies.  It’s a good idea to place dates on when each step should be accomplished.  Don’t get discouraged if you miss a date, but don’t procrastinate or make excuses either!


Monitor your progress and many any necessary adjustments for the successful accomplishment of your goal.  This list will give you a sense of direction.  It is the road map to the end result.  Break each goal down into it’s smallest steps.  Remember the saying, “by the yard, it’s hard – but by the inch, it’s a cinch!”  The most critical thing here is to get your dreams and wishes down in writing.  This may be the most important part of transforming your dreams into reality.  Breaking down goals into written objectives is one of the greatest secrets of “super achievers.”  This simple step will make an incredible change in your life.  Get them down on paper so you can read them twice a day!  This will at least double your personal effectiveness, and it’s all that’s necessary to achieve any goal!


Think of your biggest goal as just a series of small successes, because that’s what it is in reality.  Many of us are just trying to get through the day, and where does that leave your dreams?  By writing your action plan, you get your dreams (and the steps needed to make them a reality) focused in your mind where you can commit to, and achieve, them!


Throughout your action plan, and in every facet of your life, you will need to make many decisions.  There’s a process for making decisions so you can be confident when surrounded by many unknowns.  Studies show that major corporations make the right decision only 50% of the time.  Imagine the success these multi-billion dollar businesses enjoy everyday even when they make the wrong decision every other time.  Imagine the success you’ll have when you can greatly improve these averages.


First, you must stop focusing on the problem itself, and focus on the decision making process.  It’s very simple, but very, very effective!  Many of us agonize over decisions we have to make which causes a lot of frustration.  Some common mistakes we make are; 1. We don’t think about the consequences of our decisions and/or actions.  2. We think the decision is either “this” or “that” when it could be a combination.  3. We take two questions/decisions and mistake it as one.  To make the right decision, don’t think that you need to know every detail available – the belief that the more information you have allows you to make the best decision is, in most cases, false.  Many decisions are made out of tuition – they just “feel” right.  This is how the light bulb was invented rather than producing a more efficient oil burning lamp.   Henry Ford “felt” that assembly lines were the way to mass produce automobiles.  He had no documented information or knowledge when his decision revolutionized the automobile industry.  Tuition let’s you get away from logic, which is critical to being creative in the decision making process.  If Alexander Graham Bell had a computer, and focused on logical scientific “facts” this information would have told him that radio waves cannot bend around the earth and we would not have the benefits of the telephone, radio, and many other products.  To get the most beneficial decisions, you need to combine logic with intuition.


The decision making  process begins with first deciding if the question at hand is a “problem” or “opportunity” and if it warrants a decision.  Is the problem or opportunity real or not?  If you did nothing, would the problem improve or deteriorate?  Decisions can all be broken down into these main objectives. 


Parameters are used for decisions where the outcomes are not critically important.  Let’s say you’re driving on vacation and start looking for a hotel to stop at for the night.  If you don’t set parameters, you could pass by every hotel just because a better one could be just down the road.  You may set parameters such as:  The hotel must have a restaurant, it must be clean, and I don’t want to spend over $75 for the room.  You then stop at the first hotel that meets these parameters.


Policies can be used in making decisions for individuals just as they’re used by large companies.  Look at your goals and make sure you set policies for decisions that follow your goals and present values.  By using your goals and values as guidelines, your decisions will put you closer to your desired outcomes.


Multiple stage decisions are ones that involve several different decisions based on several different outcomes.  An example of this would be in a war.  You have several different options, and for each option, the enemy may react in several different ways.  To each of these, you may have several follow-up options that warrant decisions.  The game of Chess is also a good example of a multiple stage decision.  To make one of these decisions, diagram it on a “decision tree” which is just like flow chart or a family tree.  By each possible option, estimate the chances of the option actually happening from 1% to 100%.  Break these complex decisions down into each individual decision, otherwise it can easily overwhelm you.  Take it step-by-step and stage-by-stage.


When thinking through a decision, don’t limit yourself as to how things were done in the past.  Don’t be too set in your ways.  One time a group of high-paid, well educated engineers were contemplating on where the elevator should go inside an existing hotel which was limited by space.  No decision could be unanimously agreed on when a janitor suggested they place the elevator on the outside of the building.  Luckily, they thought through this “janitor’s” suggestion without automatically dismissing it, and now we see outside elevators all the time.  Look at your decisions from different angles, especially when no decisions seem like the best one.  Follow these guidelines and you can be confident every time you make a decision.


4.  Daily Activities List: 

            This is your daily agenda that will allow you to set priorities for the activities of your day.  You should carry this out to the end of the month.  This list will allow you to effectively manage your time and spend it on the things you want to accomplish that day.


Here’s a simple strategy that will produce incredible results for you.  A company asked for help one time in order to boost its productivity.  They said, “we know what we need to do, but if you can show us a better way to do it…”  They were given this simple strategy, asked to use it for a short time, and then pay the sum of money they felt it was worth.  After putting this strategy to work, measuring the results it produced, they paid the sum of $25,000!  The strategy is simply this:  write down the six most important things you have to do that day.  As you achieve the most important thing, mark it off your list.  If you don’t get all six things done – don’t worry - those will be the first things you will work on the next day.  It sounds too simple to be so good, but try it and see for yourself – it will work miracles for you!


It’s a good idea to list activities in “must do” and “should do” categories.  Must do items are ones that if you don’t do, will create additional activities, hurdles, or possibly additional problems you must overcome.  Every time I make out my activities list, I place a priority letter next to the activity so I can instantly see how important that specific activity is in accordance to the “big picture.”  When doing your activities, you’ll find the 80/20 rule applies.  This means that 80% of the activities you perform will account for only 20% of your desired results while the other 20% of your activities will produce 80% of the desired results.  Obviously, the more time you can spend on the 20% of your activities (these will make up you list of six described in the paragraph above) that produce the greatest results will allow you to achieve more, and cause you to be incredibly productive and successful.  So again, focus your mind on your top priorities.


Remember, the key to achieving great success is “producing results with minimal time and effort!”  Many of us think as long as we’re working long hours and/or doing hard work, we must be going somewhere and/or accomplishing something.  To achieve what other cannot imagine, you have to stop thinking like this because it’s just not true.  The only thing that counts are the results, no matter how they happen, and you want to achieve these results as quickly and as easily as possible.  This way you enjoy far greater rewards for the time and effort you spend.


It will take some discipline to start seeing these results, but the payoff can multiply your success by 1,000%!  Nobody is born with discipline so you can be just as disciplined and successful as anyone!  Don’t think of “discipline” in a negative way, it has absolutely nothing to do with “giving things up” or “sacrificing.”  Discipline is simply using these techniques to gain control over your time and activities.  Without discipline, all you have is regret.  We all have the same number of hours in a day and we have no control over that, but we do control what we do with those hours.  You either control your time or your time will control you!  Don’t waste your time on activities that don’t bring you closer to your goals.  If possible, hire someone to do your mundane activities such as cooking, cleaning, etc.  Right now, you may only be worried that it will cost money to have someone else do these activities, but as you start using these strategies and find the value of your time increase, you’ll see the cost becomes insignificant.  For instance, as you increase your productivity to the point that one hour of your time is valued at, let’s say $75.00, which is a very modest figure once you start using these powerful formulas.  Would you give up 4 hours of your time to clean the house when you can pay someone $50.00 to do the whole job for you?  Think of what you can achieve in 4 hours using these formulas.  Unless your chosen profession is being a maid, you’ll be doing yourself a valuable favor.


Determine which part of the day you’re at your best and plan your activities in accordance.  For instance, I’m most productive from 6am to 10am.  I get up in the morning when it’s quiet and peaceful, take out my laptop or just a note pad, and with a cup of coffee start to work on my most important activities.  I work on plans for new businesses, way to accomplish more in my existing businesses, develop my activities list, go over my goals, etc. all while catching amazing sunrises.  Not only do I love this time of day, but the things I can accomplish would take your breath away.  For example, this is the time that one simple idea made me an extra $28,000 in just one month.  Another idea I had saved me over $500 per week, and I didn’t “give up” anything.  I simply changed the way I was doing some things and now I have an additional $2,000 to spend on myself or someone else.  For me, it’s much more satisfying to buy a nice gift for a friend or loved one than to buy something for myself.


I find my productivity and concentration drops from 10am to 3pm.  This is the time I use for less important activities.  I spend the time from 3pm to 5pm to do unimportant activities that I can’t hire someone else to do.  These include personal errands, returning phone calls, etc.  I do this because I find at this time of the day, my energy level drops way down.  You may find your peak and non-peak times of the day are similar, or completely different.  Again, find when you are at your best and use this time to do your highest priority activities to get the greatest benefits and reap the greatest rewards.


Start immediately to put these success strategies to work for you.  Don’t put them off!  Start your plan today – right now!  By doing this without procrastination, you’ll start enjoying the benefits that much sooner.  Force yourself to stay with it for at least 30 days so it will become a habit, and a natural part of your life.  Once this happens, these formulas will take you wherever your heart desires.

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